One of the many things that I admire about Chris is that she does a better job keeping a balance of things in her life than me. Despite everyone in her life always pressing her buttons until the letters are worn off and its all sticky, she can really power through and make things work to a point that I cannot seem to sacrifice myself to. It is because she cares a whole hell of a lot about people. She has given St. Louis a little more light at the end of it's tunnel since moving here and the city should be happy to have her. I wish I was able to hold it together under pressure like she can. But I am nowhere near as strong as she is in this area. A lot of times I am too aggressive when I should be more calm, or too calm when I should be more aggressive. Or too authoritarian when I need to relax and vice versa. This is especially important in parenting. Sometimes I get too overwhelmed and I feel like I am just barking commands instead of getting input from our boys. When they do ...