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Showing posts with the label documentary

The Other F Word

I have been wanting to see this film since I first heard about it. I grew up listening to a lot of punk rock, so I was very interested to see what the artists interviewed and followed in The Other F Word had to say about parenting. The documentary finds several veteran punk rockers and asks them questions about the hardships of touring with their quasi-famous punk bands while trying to raise kids at the same time. At first the film is pretty depressing. It depicts the punkers as absent fathers who are out doing shows which they do not really have very much passion for anymore. One of them admits that they might as well be blowing up balloon animals, implying that they are nothing more than cheap entertainment bought and sold by the same types of corporations that some of them set out to rebel against. In one part of the movie, Lars Frederiksen of Rancid, takes his kid to the playground and clears the whole place out. He jokes on screen about how all you need to do to get the park to y...

The Evolution of Dad

The Evolution of Dad is by no means a new a documentary about the rise of stay at-home dads. But still very relevant. It follows the stories of different men who are the primary caregivers for their children. It takes a look at the struggles of fathers looking to take care of children. It addresses some of the social stigma, the reasons, and the responsibilities that male primary caregivers incur. As a stay at-home dad, it hit home for me in an informative and inspiring way, but I think it would be enjoyable for anyone. I encourage anyone interested in the reality stay at-home dads to check it out.