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Showing posts with the label halloween

Super Halloween

Our Halloween celebrations have been heroic this year. It started with Jupiter telling us that he wanted to be Superman for Halloween. Not only did he want to be Superman, but he wanted Tsunami, Chris and I to be Superman as well. So he is going to be Superman with Tsu, and Chris and I will wear our Superman T-shirts as well. We got our pumpkin from Arbor Day Farm, and carved the 'S' from Superman's chest into it. Jupiter keep telling us that he was going to show Superman when he was done, which we thought was strange until he brought out his stuffed Superman. Over the weekend we were in St. Louis getting some things in order before we move there. We stayed with Jupiter's aunt and uncle. Uncle Tom had the terrific idea of making more super hero jack-o-lanterns. We had originally planned on doing a Superman and a Green Lantern with the two orange pumpkins that Tom had already picked up, but while roaming around a pumpkin patch Chris decided that we should get a green pum...

Pregnant Costumes

A couple years ago, Chris and I were clergy for Halloween. It was when she was pregnant with Jupiter. I played the part of a priest and she the nun. This was half a month before he was born, so the effect was pretty good. Some of the people at the party we went to that night did not even know that we were expecting. It was especially fun to see the reaction of those people. What are some favorite pregnancy Halloween costume gags that you have done?