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Showing posts with the label bottle

My Pee Pee Bottle

Of all the stupid parenting products that I have posted on this site, I think I have found one stupider than all of them put together. The My Pee Pee Bottle makers claim: Parents will do anything to protect their toddler from a dirty public restroom experience and the opportunity to make it a bit easier for themselves and their child when it is time to "pee pee". My Pee Pee Bottle® was created was created to help parents and protect children from bacterial infections and to help reinforce good potty training habits - just some of the benefits of My Pee Pee Bottle®! Yeah! Just what every parent needs to carry around. A bottle full of urine. You cannot just put your kids urine anywhere. I would like to know how this is going to be in any way easier for the kid than public toilet that they are already somewhat familiar with because it is a, you know, toilet. Some people can get really anal about cleanliness and the fact that products like this exist suggest that those peopl...

How Nap Time Works

First, you put the baby down in its crib for some rest. Nap time can begin. Then the baby decides it is hungry. So you mix a bottle of formula or prepare some milk. You feed the baby. The baby falls asleep while eating and NOW nap time can begin. But wait. What is that smell? You carefully try to change the baby without waking it up. The baby wakes up. The baby has more room and is hungry again. You feed the baby again. The baby is asleep. Nap time can FINALLY begin. Except now you realize the three-year-old is not napping due to all the noise from the baby. So it goes... There was a point in time when nap time for the boys meant break time for dad. Never again.