I have shown him how to put his underwear on about a thousand times, by my count. Sure enough though, he came out of his room with his underwear on backwards as usual. At that point I said something along the lines of, "Dude! You got your underwear on backwards again. Is it a special holiday or something?"
Only this time instead of going back to his room to try it again again, he said, "Yep!"
There I was delirious and confused about what just happened. So I did the only thing a person can do. I took off my shorts and my underwear. I placed my underwear in their full and backright position. I then zipped back up, informed my friends and followers of the rule of the day, and went about my business as usual.
I have come to determine one pro and one con to backward underwear day.
The fantastic thing was that I had more room in the front. I am a boxers guy, but I would assume it may be the same for the briefs folk and the women. The underwear is usually designed to allow for more room in the tushion cushion, if you know what I mean. Honestly, I have a very flat ass. Some say I have no ass at all. So I did not mind refitting the extra space to the front. It was a little bit helpful even. In fact, without all that extra room in the back of my pants where my ass would be, if I had one, I think I was slouching less and standing straighter.
All of this was good news except for the bad thing. It is not a terrible thing, really. Mostly just an inconvenience. That is, I had no hole. In men's underwear there is almost always a way to get the penis out without doing the extra work (because it is such an inconvenience) of pulling the elastic waist strap down. I say 'almost always' because, ladies, those cheapskate boxers you get us on Valentines Day which have no hole in the crouch are really annoying.
Obviously this last part only applies to the male readers. As Jupiter has yet to declare some sort of Opposite Sex Underwear Day, I am not yet aware of the nuances that come along with wearing women's underwear. I am sure the time will come though, and on that day I will gladly inform everyone of that new holiday as well, but this one is about Backwards Underwear Day.
In conclusion, it was an interesting and educational experience. I enjoyed the extra room, but not the inconvenience. I bet if a person were to create some drawers with extra room in the front, plus the hole, it might make a buck or two. On the other hand, It could be that I just have an oddly shaped mid area and this could be a horrible business idea. Come to think of it, I am pretty sure you should not hop on your bike and go to your nearest venture capitalist with this new underwear idea. It may very well be a flop.
One thing is certain though, starting yesterday, May 24th shall from now on be considered Backwards Underwear Day. Mark it on your calendars! This thing is going to be huge!
[...] or ride the bus to work instead of driving. Better yet, ride your bike to work. Maybe you could wear your underwear backwards. Who would know? These are the kinds of incremental changes I make to my day to keep things [...]