Hello there loyal readers! After all, you must be pretty loyal to come back to my blog with the infrequency of posts that have been happening here. Rest assured, this blog is not going away. It just needed some rejuvenation time. I think I will probably be exploring my capabilities with video a little bit more as well as perhaps doing a few more regular post such as the story review I did a bit over a week ago.
With that said, my excuse for my absence of regular posting has been due to the title of this post. Or more specifically poor attention distribution. It is something that we all struggle with whether you stay at-home with the littles, go to work to provide for your family, or even just among friends. Paying the proper amount of attention to those you call loved ones is very important.
We all get caught up in what we are doing long enough to fail to give someone their deserved attention at some point. I think it is a good idea to keep re-evaluating that constantly.
For example, Chris has mentioned that I spend too much time Facebooking or Twurting or whatever when I should be listening to what she is saying. Guilty as charged. She may or may not realize that she does the very same to me at times as well. But in parenting, I think it is very important to give the younguns their deserved attention. After all, when you were making that child I am pretty sure that there was much attention given to the intricacies there.
Now you do not want to go crazy either. If Mister Naggy Nancy is asking for an ice cream for the fifth time since you passed by the ice cream parlor, you do not have to give in. Just say something polite such as, "Nancy, sir. Could you please calm down for a moment while daddy tries to get us home without driving into a pole?" This way, the child will know that it has been heard and that you are thinking of them.
The problem is that I see far too many parents passionately swiping for the latest social network gossip on their fancy portable electronic device, when Jon Boy has six inches of bone shooting through his tensor fasciae latae with blood gushing all over the place. This is the kind of thing that raises a few eyebrows.
Now, as I said earlier, I accept my own responsibility for own mistakes as a parent or even an attention giver on the whole. We all get a little out of line sometimes. I have been the one who just looked up from his phone when it was his kid who just fell over and scraped his knee on the playground, embarrassingly I will admit.
We just need to find some middle ground that works better for everyone. You know, like spending time playing with your kids when they want to play with you and leaving them alone when they prefer to be left alone.
But who am I kidding? My attention span is like that of a three year old. Oh, yes, I keep up with Jupiter well, but it is not because I am responsible (though I am), it is because there is a little three year old inside me begging to get out.
I mostly wanted to just get a post out there to start back to regular blogging again (because you cannot get rid of me) and to see if I could write one of those oh-so-popular fluff pieces that are so popular on the internet these days. How did I do?
With that said, my excuse for my absence of regular posting has been due to the title of this post. Or more specifically poor attention distribution. It is something that we all struggle with whether you stay at-home with the littles, go to work to provide for your family, or even just among friends. Paying the proper amount of attention to those you call loved ones is very important.
For example, Chris has mentioned that I spend too much time Facebooking or Twurting or whatever when I should be listening to what she is saying. Guilty as charged. She may or may not realize that she does the very same to me at times as well. But in parenting, I think it is very important to give the younguns their deserved attention. After all, when you were making that child I am pretty sure that there was much attention given to the intricacies there.
Now you do not want to go crazy either. If Mister Naggy Nancy is asking for an ice cream for the fifth time since you passed by the ice cream parlor, you do not have to give in. Just say something polite such as, "Nancy, sir. Could you please calm down for a moment while daddy tries to get us home without driving into a pole?" This way, the child will know that it has been heard and that you are thinking of them.
The problem is that I see far too many parents passionately swiping for the latest social network gossip on their fancy portable electronic device, when Jon Boy has six inches of bone shooting through his tensor fasciae latae with blood gushing all over the place. This is the kind of thing that raises a few eyebrows.
Now, as I said earlier, I accept my own responsibility for own mistakes as a parent or even an attention giver on the whole. We all get a little out of line sometimes. I have been the one who just looked up from his phone when it was his kid who just fell over and scraped his knee on the playground, embarrassingly I will admit.
We just need to find some middle ground that works better for everyone. You know, like spending time playing with your kids when they want to play with you and leaving them alone when they prefer to be left alone.
But who am I kidding? My attention span is like that of a three year old. Oh, yes, I keep up with Jupiter well, but it is not because I am responsible (though I am), it is because there is a little three year old inside me begging to get out.
I mostly wanted to just get a post out there to start back to regular blogging again (because you cannot get rid of me) and to see if I could write one of those oh-so-popular fluff pieces that are so popular on the internet these days. How did I do?
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