Jupiter's first day was yesterday. He was a little bit apprehensive at first but by the end of the session he seemed to be enjoying himself. I was supposed to leave for the first 30 minutes of the class and come back for the last 15, but since I had never left Jupiter alone in this sort of environment before, he asked that I stay this time. After class I asked if it would be okay if I leave next time and he said it would.
He has so far learned about making long sounds with the triangle and short sounds by hitting two wooden sticks together and it seems that they add new instruments and dynamics with each session. He has not had a scheduled social activity like this since his gymnastics when we lived in Lincoln, and I thought it would not be a bad idea to get him to interact with other kids his age on a regular basis.
I do not think that social interaction is why he was interested though. I can tell that he really likes nothing more than to learn about new things. I am glad that he likes to try out new things and expand his already currently large area of interests. Watching him develop is always very interesting and entertaining for me. It excites to see him exploring more and more of his world every day.
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