Jupiter also likes to color, as most two year olds do. I had noticed that Griffin had teamed up with Crayola to release the iMarker which pairs with the ColorStudio HD and Paint & Create apps for the iPad. I thought this might be something that he would enjoy so I picked one up from Amazon.
Luckily, it arrived from the parcel service during nap time. This gave me an hour to play with it first. I was impressed. But the real test would be whether Jupiter liked it.
The major benefit to using a stylus type marker on a touch screen device for coloring is, of course, the lack of mess potential. There is absolutely no way to make a mess. Jupiter is pretty good about staying on the paper anyway, so it is not a huge concern for us, but he does go off the paper from time to time. Another benefit is portability. I can throw the iPad and the iMarker into the diaper bag or satchel I am carrying out the door with me and we have access to more than a good size coloring book's worth of pictures. The pictures also have some slight animation, which can make the experience a little more fun.
One other thing that I sort of expected is that the marker also only seems to work with the Crayola apps and not any of the other drawing apps that I tried it with. I do not necessarily see this as a drawback, as I expected there would be either technical or fiscal reasons for this, but it is something to consider.
Overall though, I like the product, and Jupiter likes it too. I recommend the iPad as a great youth learning device, and I recommend the iMarker as a good companion.
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