According to their complaint:
Ben & Jerry's announced their newest ice cream flavor which sounds anything but appealing. Schweddy Balls is the best they could come up with. The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive. Not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket.
As I already stated, that is exactly the kind of thing that would make my day. It is exactly what I would want my child asking for in the supermarket. Think of the priceless looks I would be able to enjoy as other shoppers stare at me as if I must be the most
In the past, Ben & Jerry's has released controversial ice creams, like a special edition of Chubby Hubby called Hubby Hubby last year which celebrated gay marriage. It seems that offending customers has become an annual tradition for Ben & Jerry's.
Yes, because apparently allowing people of all sexual orientations the same rights that One Million Moms and their husbands have is somehow offensive to them. I still do not understand that. If you do not want a gay marriage, do not get one.
So this club of Moms wants to remove Schweddy Balls from the freezer section. While they are at it, I hope that they catch a bit of the breeze from the freezer door because they really need to chill.
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